baby steps

baby steps

Friday, December 31, 2010

365 Days of Photos

Yes yes... I know I haven't posted in FOREVER...  but life has been tied up by a wonderful little person and just general day to day living.

But enough of the excuses!  Today my blog is about to take a bit of a detour.  As anyone who knows me knows... I LOVE photography, and I've finally got a camera that is truely "photography" worthy.  So, along with many other ladies on The Bump's photography thread, I am pledging to take at least one photo per day for 2011.   This blog is going to host my daily photos, and document life in 2011 as our little grows, and as I learn more about how to take photos with my Rebel T2i.  

All constructive comments are always welcome!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Udder Truth about being a Mom

I've heard it time in and time out over the years.... breastfeeding is a commitment of the heart.  And I've always sort of screwed up my nose, thinking "it's natural, so why's is such a commitment?"

Well, now I understand.

It's startling when this little creature is born and completely reliant on you, that suddenly you are willing, in the blink of an eye, to go to the ends of the earth (maybe beyond) to provide the best for them.  So, naturally, when I read that breastfeeding is BY FAR the best thing for your child, I was simply the route that I was going to go. 

I have big boobs, so it should be easy... right?!?!

Well, then I start talking breastfeeding with people.  I found out that I was formula fed because I was sick when born and my mom couldn't bear having this horribly unhappy child that was too weak to suckle at first.  Plus, at the time, they told the moms that formula was better than breastmilk.  I also have talked to people who are on the whole spectrum from 'breastfeeding nazis' to those who did not want to impact their time by breastfeeding so started formula right away for convenience.  But again, all the research says that you should breastfeed as long as you can... that it's the right thing to do... that most women should be able to breastfeed, especially if they are willing to stick it out. 

In hospital I learned alot. I knew Jamie and I both had to learn how to have a good "breastfeeding relationship" so I just kept telling myself that we would get the hang of it.  But she had trouble latching, and she seemed distressed, and I didn't really have a clue what I was doing.  Sure, I tried the things I'd read about in books and online, but that didn't translate well to the real world.  And the nurses would just come into my room, grab and squeeze my boob, grab Jamie's head and push the two apart until she latched (not a good latch) and then leave us to it.  Soon I was in agony, blistered and bleeding. Why didn't anyone tell me the agony that breastfeeding could cause? 

I felt like I was utterly failing to provide for my daughter.  So, at the suggestion of a nurse I introduced pumping into my world.  This worked, not only to give my poor nipples a break, but also to allow B to take a night shift and me to get a little sleep.  But I still felt like somehow I'd failed.

Fast forward to Jamie's one month birthday (today).  I've definately had my ups and downs with breastfeeding and have sought help 3 times since coming home.  The last time was because I was afraid she wasn't getting enough milk from me due to the way she was feeding, but she'd gained almost 1/2 a pound in 5 days... the doctor assured me that we were doing fine. 

I still get some pain, which I need to address, but it's no longer toe curling agony.  Jamie now zeros in on the target and latches with no problem.  Though now we are dealing with me having too much milk that she gets overwhelmed when she latches.  To the point that it dribbles out her nose.

I've also started (emphasis on started) to accept the fact that right now my one true role is to be her Udder, at her beck and call, ready to provide her whole food source.  On many days this has meant just hanging out on the couch, one boob constantly at the ready as she goes through many hours of snoozing for a few minutes, then snacking, then snoozing.   Thank god a new season of tv is starting up, because the tedium of tv is starting to wear me thin. 

We also continue to pump breastmilk where possible to allow me at least one long nap during the day/night, and now we are introducing a little formula into the mix.  Again, the formula is to allow for others to feed her and me to take a bit of a break, but I'm still very cautious about how much we give her because, frankly, the ingredients of formula scare the crap out of me. 

Biggest lesson, take in all the information out there, then let your gut guide you.  AND don't let other people's opinions sway my decisions.  A lot of people have tried to make me feel guilty for pumping, then for introducing a little formula (including community nurses to complete strangers!), but I know that I am a highly intelligent woman that is making informed decisions for the well being of both babe and mother. 

So, yes I consider myself my daughter's Udder and Mother... and I'm learning and growing just as fast as she is! =)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Jamie arrives & life with baby begins

Forgive me for my tardiness, but I've been waylaid by the arrival of our beautiful little girl, Jamie Elizabeth Mitchell. 

Our Birth Story

Well, we were all set to have a nice 'leisurely' arrival of our little one on the morning of August 12th, as our c section was scheduled for 9:30am and I had to be at the hospital for 6am to check into mother-babe and get prepped.

So, following many peoples' advice, B & I planned to spend the 11th together ... our last day as a 'twosome'.  We had a lovely, low key day... walked up to Whitespot for brunch and then to London Drugs and just hung out together.  I was tired and feeling very slow... but who wouldn't when they were HUGE.  ;)  

In the late afternoon we went over to the hospital for our pre-admission appointment.  We filled out all our paperwork, got my blood work done, and put ourselves on the list for a private room.  Then headed home for a nice home cooked meal and curled up on the couch together to watch a movie. 

I was trying my best not to get anxious about the next morning, but my belly was full of butterflies all day long.  After the movie finished I forced myself to go to bed, thinking I'd get a good night's sleep and be ready for our 6am hospital appointment. 

But Jamie had her own timing.  At 2am I rolled over in bed, and something felt wrong.  My water had broken!!!  Eyes flying wide open, I think I freaked out the poor cats, as I raced into the bathroom.  Yes, indeed, it seemed that Jamie couldn't wait.  I calmly (I think) told Brian, that we needed to go to hospital right then.  Poor Brian, sat upright in bed, completely dazed and confused, and then as what I was saying sunk in, went into action.  I called labour & delivery and they said that yes... I should come in right away. 

Our suitcase was grabbed, cats were ushered inside, and off we went.  In the short drive (10 mins) to the hospital my contractions started in full force.  My doctor was waiting at the check in for Labour & Delivery when we arrived and asked why I couldn't wait until my appointment time in the morning.  Ha ha... not my idea, I groaned as another contraction took hold. 

Now, remember, from early on I had known I would be having a c-section.  So, even being the person that I am, I had not bothered to study and read up on the birthing process... and I feel so caught off guard.  When I first arrived and checked in there was no rush and panic.  The doctors felt that I would go slowly and that I would just wait it out until my appointment time in the morning. 

But then the contractions kept getting stronger and closer together.  The nurses started frowning and looking more concerned, I was getting more stressed out, my water kept coming, and then I started being in so much pain that I got sick to my stomach.  At one point I simply told B that "I wanted my mom" so a middle of the night call was made and she arrived shortly thereafter. 

A nurse asked if my family had a history of fast labour.... we do... and frowned at the little machine's printouts again, then informed me that the anesthesiologist was dealing with a trauma and couldn't come see to me yet.  They didn't know how long he'd be, but they were hoping that I could 'last' until the new shift came on at 7:30am.

Time seemed to both drag on, and to blend together.  My anxiety level was at an all time high as all I could think of was "what if I have to push... I didn't prepare to push!".  The OR nurse came in and checked on me, frowned some more and disappeared, then returned shortly thereafter to tell me it was time and to wheel me into the OR.  At that point my contractions were coming one after another and I think I was near the point of pushing. 

They whisked me into the OR, and hallelula gave me a spinal.  Before that I was completely consumed by pain and panic... once the spinal was in I could hold B's hand and really pay attention to the fact that our little one was almost here.  The nurses and doctors were fantastic, and B even got to take a video of them taking Jamie out of me. 

She started crying the moment she sensed air.  A perfect baby girl, weighing in at 8.9 lbs.  What a doll!! 

The c section, on my part, went well, and other than having a wicked backache for days after, really hasn't caused me much trouble.  Jamie's health couldn't be better.  We spent 4 days in the hospital, and have been home for a few weeks learning all about our new little family unit...

....but more on that later......

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Count Down Continues...

Well, only a few more days to go until I go in for our c-section.  

Can I tell you a secret? As each day slips by I am getting more and more excited, and more and more terrified.  I can't wait to meet this amazing little person that we've created, see what she looks like, and hold her in my arms!  I mean, for someone who considers themselves to be a creative soul, could there be any greater work of art to create than your own flesh and blood?!?  Then help them learn, discover and develop?  It's truly a gift!!

But, as we get closer to the big day, the notion of the c-section and all the unknowns is getting more and more real, and I'm scared.  It probably doesn't help that on the chat group I'm a part of on there's a thread on how much people are dreading c-sections because of their horrible previous experiences with them.  I was really fine with the fact that we were going this route until a few weeks ago.  Now, though the most logical choice, it seems daunting!  But I'm trying my best to keep the universe (and myself) convinced that it is going to go swimmingly and that I'll not be in the worst case recovery scenario that I keep hearing about.

On the BIG PLUS side of things, it's been a tremendously productive week.  In my last post I was stressing about the loss of our tenants and my mom having shingles.  Well, a week works wonders as both are no longer concerns.  We've found a great tenant, and the doctors have given mom an all-clear for visiting the hospital and being around baby.... WHEW!!!!!

Other than that it's been a pretty low key week.  I'm now bigger than a watermelon (as my friend Sandra's daughter put it) and am totally zapped of energy.  One small outing a day seems to be my limit, though another side of me is absolutely craving a higher level of activity.  I've even been having dreams about being back in the gym again! (yikes)  

Attempt at Origami
One of the last things on my 'to do' list has been to figure out a mobile for Jamie's crib.  My original inspiration was to create one made from origami animals, but frustration has over taken that objective, as I can't seem to get 'cool enough' animals created and it just doesn't feel right. So now my desk is littered with paper butterflies, frogs and cranes... which will most likely turn into cat toys (on a related note, I discovered a great and easy cat toy to make is an origami water bomb filled with capnip!)

So now I'm onto other ideas for the mobile.  I'm going to head to the craft store today and pick up some wooden shapes, some dowels and other items of interest and make one out of those, painting them in bright and entertaining colors.  At least that will tide us over until a better inspiration hits me, or a cave and go buy one. 

This time off seems to be reigniting my creative and crafty side, which I'm loving but finding frustrating as its so rusty that I get a spark but struggle to bring it to fruition.  I figure by the end of my year long mat leave I'll be a regular Martha Stewart... hmmm... or is there another trendy crafty celeb I should be trying to emulate? 

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fantastic Visits and Added Stresses

This week has definitely been one of highs and lows.

I'm now 11 days away from our scheduled c-section, but at my last doctor's visit we had to have the "in-case you go into labour" talk because I'm over 1 cm dilated. That was certainly a bit of a reality check for me.  There's no denying this is really happening and soon our little bundle of joy will be joining us... ready or not, here she comes!  

Mentally I've reached a bit of a more relaxed space of no longer needing everything on my to-do list completed before bambino arrives.  Perhaps its the lower energy because I'm not sleeping well anymore, or maybe I've come to my senses a little, but we've got the basics covered, so if she decided to join us today, we'd be fine.  

Though I must admit to the random panicked thoughts of "what if we aren't ready?" and "what if I'm not a natural mother?" ... but that's just the hormones talking, right? 

Alexa was out to visit for a night, which was FANTASTIC!  I really enjoyed just hanging out, and we even managed a short adventure to East Sooke Park.  Without realizing it, she paid me a compliment that's helped to ease some of the fears that were brewing... she said I was going to be a natural mom just by proof of how intuitive I am to the needs of our cats.  God, I hope she's right.  

Having Alexa out also made me realize how much I miss my girlfriends and girl time.  B and I have a great time together, and he's absolutely my best friend, but there's something different (and special) with spending time with long standing girlfriends that know you inside out from another woman's perspective.  

Daddy B (hee hee) celebrated his birthday on saturday, which was a wonderful day.  Laid back and just about enjoying time as a family.  In the back of my mind I thought that bambino might make an appearance for his special day, but she's decided to hang tight for a little longer.  And this is something that we're encouraging because....

Also on saturday our tenants decided to give us their 1 month notice.  Totally bad timing.  Right now we count on that rent, so we HAVE to rent it out asap for September 1st, however potential tenants will be seeing me with big belly (B suggested that he show the suite, so it's not right in their face that there will be a new baby in the house). We also have our suite priced fairly high, which right now with a glut of places for rent, may hurt us.  But we know the place is worth it.  AND we were planning on fixing the bathtub and surround in the fall (it's got a leak that's we've patched) but now we'll be doing that in August before new tenants move in... which means construction happening right when Jamie has joined us.  Not ideal. 

But.. shit happens and you just deal with it.  So, I've put aside the freakout and just got on with listing the suite and taking care of things... THEN...

Mom shows up after a quick trip to the walk-in clinic to announce she is having a shingles flareup and she's contagious!!!  Not a big deal for B & I because we've both had chickenpox, BUT it means that of my only two support people, my mom will no longer be able to visit the hospital or help with baby in the first few weeks until her flareup subsides. Not to mention just the fact that she's not feeling well and is having to deal with yet another medical thing.  

I mean, WTF world?!?!?  Could you not just leave us alone for a while and let us enjoy the good stuff?

So, while I've been recently having conversations with my bump at night to tell her that she can come whenever she's ready, last night I asked her to hold on a bit.  That mommy needs some time to get her ducks back in a row, deal with a few things, and let grandma get better so she can be there too.  Hopefully our little one heard my plea.  

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Baby's room photos

We've almost finished the baby's room.

All that's left is doing a little sewing to create curtains, cushions, and a skirt around the change table, but until the sewing machine is working, this is what Jamie's room is going to look like!

Dresser and lamp for night time

Change table, rocking chair from my grandma, and B's awesome home made shelves
Crib w/ protective "crib tent" to keep kittykats out!


It's only 18 more days until our c-section date (29 days from my estimated due date), and I can officially say... I'm Done!  

And no, that doesn't mean everything is off my to-do list, or that I'm truely mentally prepared for bambino's arrival (as if anyone ever is), but I am done with being pregnant and achy... I'm done with having to consciously work to turn over when in bed at night... I'm done with losing any shape to my feet... and I'm done with not being able to do normal stuff or fit into normal places (for example, I was in our storage area and tried to go through a space sideways... lol... that really didn't work well, and I sent stuff tumbling off shelves everywhere).   

Mostly I'm done with this constant emotional roller coaster that both myself and B seem to be on (more me due to baby I would think).  Over the last 5 days I've basically been a mess.  Tears spring to my eyes with surprising stealth moves and then set in and don't leave for what feels like an eternity. 

Please tell me that we'll be able to just relax and be carefree again... have fun... find the humor in every day mishaps... because right now that's such a stretch.  

We are as ready as we need to be for baby's arrival.  Over the last couple of days B & I (plus my mom), have been very productive in getting the nursery to a good enough state.  And I've got my hospital bag packed (and repacked a few times... plus a few more coming up I'm sure!).  Our diaper delivery service comes on friday to drop off our pre-baby diapers and the rest of the gear... and then we will truely be ready to rock and roll.  The rest of the stuff can be accomplished before or after her arrival without any troubles. 
Brian putting up the baby safe blinds

B's been a god-send too.  He's put up shelves when gravity seemed against him, and fought a valiant battle with the old blinds making sure the baby's room was now safe.  And our fur-babies (Todd and Hali) are winning out too by getting a wider window sill created for them in our bedroom!! 

Now if the weather would provide some nice breezes to help keep it cool until bambino decides she's well baked and my emotions/hormones would settle a little and we would be golden!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

23 days to go

Well, this has been a very baby focused day.

Doc appointment went well.  Though our doc freaked me out by saying that she anticipates that wee Jamie is going to weight over 8 lbs by my c-section date... could you imagine if I was actually going all the way to my actual due date?!!?  YIKES!

Otherwise, all it going well with momma and bambino.  Dr. Ferg even joked that I am too happy, chatty, and not complaining enough for where I'm at in my pregnancy (compared to the others that are coming into her office these days).  ha ha ha... and here I am thinking I'm suffering!

My poor feet are swollen, though apparently not badly.  But I find their puffiness a little disconcerting, especially that you can leave your finger prints in them.  Ewww!!

Then tonight we went to the hospital for a tour of the maternity ward.  It was really good to see the delivery and operating rooms, plus the room rooms.  I'm hoping for either a private room or single room, but there's no guarantees. But here's my question....


Seems like everyone is preggers!  Was the poor economy in the fall driving all of us to create our own in door entertainment?

Friday, July 16, 2010

Can I Begin A Count Down Yet?

So, here we are... less that a month to go until baby day arrives, and I have to admit, I'm starting to get more than anxious to be done with being pregs and craving to have munchkin out and about!  

Yes, it's for totally self serving reasons... mommy is getting very uncomfortable now!

As strange as it may sound, I have conversations with her at night.  She doesn't say much ;) but I like to tell her that she's doing great and if she's feeling too cramped in there, she's welcome to join us all out here.  Though whenever I mention that, she seems to hunker down as if to say "no thank you, I've got a good thing going on right now."

However, on the flip side, I'm a little freaked out about the reality of it all.  LOL.  Another part of my mind is constantly asking...
- Are we really ready?  
- Will we be good parents?
- What if.... (fill in the blank with anything possible)

And are we ready?  Well, I think mentally we're as ready as we're going to be, but I still feel like there's a tonne of stuff to get done around the house.  For example... the crib still needs to be set up. 

I'm proud to say I have packed a bag for the hospital already though, just in case.  It was the strangest procedure to go through so far.  I mean, in my adult life, I've never spent a night in the hospital, let alone a few nights.  And I've never had a baby before... so the 'planner extraordinaire' is in completely foreign territory now.  What on earth do you bring with you?  

I've gone over tonnes of suggested lists, got advise from friends, and then, just ended up winging it for the most part. I think I've got the essentials covered, but really... I guess I'll find out when we're there.  Luckily either Brian or mom could grab something for me if needed, seeing as the hospital is only about 10 mins away.

So the big question(s) comes down to... what have I missed preparing? and when is she really going to arrive?

I suppose I have to learn patience and trust that time will reveal the answers to both.  

Friday, July 2, 2010

mat leave & amazing people

Well, here I am, officially on day 3 of my mat leave.

I've got to admit that the whole idea that I now wont be back in the office for a year is very, very surreal! On my first day of my leave, I went into crazy 'okay, now I've got to tackle my list' mode, and by noon had already managed to go through all the amazing bags of hand-me-downs from Megan (thanks Megs!), done 3 loads of laundry, cleaned up some of the clutter, etc etc etc... then I crashed.  So my second day was a write off, with me spending most of the day in pjs, napping and just chilling out.  Now on day 3, I'm already realizing that I need to figure out some sort of balance for my activity levels for the next month and a bit before bambino arrives. 

Oh... but there is still so much to do!!!  Luckily I have... 40 more days to get it all done =)

One thing I've been absolutely floored by is the generosity of people - both of those I know, and from complete strangers.  For example, Megan (Deb's daughter and my step cousin) has handed us down just a tonne of baby gear; from clothes to a jolly jumper and swing, its AMAZING!  Especially in these tight times, all those hand-me-downs make such a huge difference on our bottom line. Not to mention reduces all the material stuff that is going out in the world.  YAY for recycling!  And then, one of the nurses at Royal Jubalee (who is the one that does my iron infusion IV each week) brought me a wipes warmer the other day and didn't want any compensation for it. Totally unexpected =)

Not to mention all the wonderful gifts that we've received from our friends and family.  I've got to say I am genuinely overwhelmed by it all.

So luckily, other than a few odds and ends, we only have a few bigger items to get.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How Time Flies

The count down has more than officially begun now....
  • 6.5 more days of work until I'm on mat leave
  • 8 more weeks until bambino arrives
  • 8 rooms in our house to organize perfectly (hmmm... conveniently that's one week per room)
  • 7+ 'must have' items and 3 'sure would be nice' items to purchase
  • 2 cats to help adjust, and
  • 1 shed to finish building
Whew, no wonder I'm in hyper list making mode!  

At our second to last baby class last night the participants got a chance to finally chat with each other and share what's going on for them.  Our topic for the evening was how to best manage the transition between being a couple to being a threesome, which I honestly was really happy to see included in the agenda. So, for our 'group work' the ladies gathered in one room, and the men in another and were asked to list what they saw (or feared) changing in their relationships (with each other, extended family, friends, colleagues, etc) once baby arrived.  Then we came back and reported out to the room.  

It was an interesting conversation, and honestly a little bit of a personal check, because we are all going through similar angst.  We got on to talking about how us gals really wanted our beaus to tell us their worries and concerns and start thinking them our and planning with us, but when we ask them, they either respond by saying they aren't really worried about anything, or that we'll just handle it when ever 'it' comes along.  Meanwhile, us gals are pouring through books and surfing the web, trying to do everything possible to be as prepared as possible. It's nice to know it's fairly universal!  We (the gals) also talked about how we are concerned about how this will all affect our friendships, and how we will need to set boundaries with family and friends who are eager to be involved, but maybe a little too eager.  

One of the worries that has been playing on my mind a lot of late is friendships and the loss of 'adult time.'  It's something I struggle with anyhow, as I've yet to establish any strong girl-friendships in Victoria that are outside of work, and therefore get a lot of my adult conversation time while on the job.  But now I'm going to be on mat leave....  so where does that leave me?  

When the men returned and shared their list, it was pretty different.  They spoke of concerns around increased financial pressure, decreased sex, managing different parenting styles, etc.  And their list was quite long!  I think all us women were a little relieved to see that, yes, their partners were indeed thinking about and worries about things.  

LOL - typically a woman's reaction to feel better knowing that someone else was worried too!

I know B & I will be fine at doing the parenting dance, and both of us agree that we'll hit bumps in the road and be able to manage them.  So how do I just chill out about it?  Maybe I don't, maybe it's part of my role of being 'mom'....

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Nesting or Crazy? ... It's a fine line

So, for the last few weeks I've had this growing need, no rather... complete and utter fixation on getting our house in order (no small task) and a growing frustration over why B doesn't understand why it is simply, and so plainly, obvious in the importance of EVERYTHING having a place...

And I mean everything... big stuff like the linen closet, which has been pulled apart and reorganized twice, to small things like all the colored pens need to be kept together.

Yesterday I found myself tackling our storage room. I vacuumed, reorganized, and even went to the extent of washing down any dusty surface that I could find. Then stood transfixed looking at the piles of laundry. You see, piles of laundry look messy... that just wouldn't do! So I sat for at least an hour trying to figure out a better system for keeping our dirty laundry organized ... then I luckily was able to give my head a shake and move on to something else (though, secretly, I'm still trying to figure it out).

The other challenge is, both B & I are naturally not the most organized people, and we are just at the tail end of renovating our bathroom... which means there is a LOT of clutter around the house, and we still don't have "a place" for everything. B is working diligently on getting the shed built in the backyard... which will clear up our big room on the main floor that is currently being used for storage and laundry. It will be our rec / laundry room, with a new cupboard for household storage ... whenever we get around to renovating it (in 2011 sometime I would imagine). So, I get into a room and get completely overwhelmed on where to even start in organizing.

I also have this growing panic that the baby's room isn't organized and really "created" yet. I bought three black and white prints of safari animals the other day which I love, but then realized the cost of the three prints basically equals the cost of a car seat. So, now they are repackaged in the trunk of my car to return to the shop (though I can't quite bring myself to do that yet). How does one decide on a theme for their nursery? I have two totally different preferences... I adore the really campy, brightly colored stuff... but I also love the sophisticated styles - what will my bambino enjoy more?

Poor B just listens to me fret and agonize and does his best to help out. Though, when I complain I feel like I'm doing it all on my own, he frequently pleads that he can't organize something because I wont like how its done. Sadly, he's probably right. How's he supposed to know that my inner psyche has decided that all the baby items in the bathroom need to first be stored by functional use and then for the towels, etc they get organized by color?

Now, as I sit and write, I'm eying a stack of magazines. So, I'll stop my rambling and make them my next victim of purging.

So, for the ladies out there what was nesting like for you? And for any men out there, how did you cope with your spouse nesting?

Any tips, tricks, and advice would be absolutely welcomed!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Momma Down with a Cold

I'd been doing so well... really I had. Everyone around me has been dropping like flies with this horrible cold/flu bug that's going around. B has been sicks for almost 2 weeks, and everyone at work has been off as well.

So there I was, strutting around all proud of my incubator status helping me ward off viruses from myself and my offspring. Until, wham-o ... the cough and exhaustion appeared. B kindly offered some advice "this one is really bad, you'll feel better, then a day later will feel awful again" - thanks honey. So I've done what any sick person should do ... I've gone to bed, and stayed in bed... and slept and slept and slept. But it's still here. *sigh* I guess I just need to keep resting and wait this one out.

Amazingly, there's been a bonus to feeling so under the weather ... it's called downtime. Yesterday I spent all afternoon in bed in a state somewhere in between deep sleep and annoyance at day time tv. But it turned out to be quality time with my bump, who has been extremely active, well, ever since I got sick it seems like, and with the cats. At one point, call me crazy, I even started to play a game with little miss bump... I rub my belly one way, she squirms and kicks as she moves the other way. FUN! Okay, well it seemed fun for someone stuck in bed at least.

Perhaps this will be what maternity leave will be like, less the incessant coughing? Quality time just hanging out. I think those are the 'memorable moments' we always hear new moms talk about.

I can't wait for more.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Fun Outing Cravings Galore!

I'm not sure if other preggy peeps have gone through this or not, though I'm sure that I'm not alone.

Over the last few weeks I have been absolutely craving some good ol' reckless F U N! I'm sure I must be driving B up the wall by now with my constant brainstorming of something... anything... I can do that is "normal and exciting." But here's my dilemma - everything I think of is not big bellied pregnant lady friendly...
I'll think "oh, let's go hike Mt. Findlayson" .. definitely not good for a preggers! "Oh, let's go kayaking".. but wait, I wont fit in a kayak... "Oh, let's take off and go to some exotic location!!" .. hmm, but we are saving up for baby and I can't fly anymore... "Oh, let's go for a bike ride!" ... but my doctor said biking is out.


So what's a preggers like me to do? Never before did I think anyone would be able to drag me to a war type historical site where they were doing re-enactments, but there I was, looking through the paper and getting excited at the prospect of Fort Rodd Hill (which is just down the street from our house) having historical days this past weekend. Pure, unadulterated excitement at the idea of doing something different and potentially fun! So, yesterday, we got all geared up, me packing some snacks (highly recommended to keep cranky pregnant lady in hibernation, and fun pregnant lady out for the day), and off down the road we went to explore what Fort Rodd Hill had to offer.

There wasn't much excitement to be had in the actually people dressed up in WW1 and WW2 garb, as they were just milling about their tents and chatting. But, it was a fantastic excursion none-the-less. We tromped about the site, enjoying our time together and the sunshine, ate our snacks and just relaxed.


And my craving for a little excitement was abated for at least a day. At the end of our little excursion, the now exhausted pregnant lady, found herself out on our deck, book in hand and mind satiated, falling asleep in the sunshine... letting my dreams carry me to the tops of mountains and other exotic places.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Big Belly & Other thoughts

Somehow, over the last few weeks, my belly and babe seem to be getting the best of me. I'm now at 27 weeks, and am carrying a big ol' basketball in my tummy. Luckily I can giggle about it most days, especially when I turn sideways to squeeze through a space, only to realize, that's no longer a viable option. We were moving around furniture the other day (more like a spectator sport for me, than actually "helping") and B asked me to go into a room, while a piece of furniture was taking up the doorway. I replied "I can't, I wont fit" which threw us both into a series of giggles. *sigh*

I've had a few moments of looking down at my belly or getting a glimpse of myself in a mirror, where the panic sets in and I think "how much bigger can I get?!!?" I posed that question to my mom, who calmly responded "much bigger, and you'll start having trouble with balance soon" *double sigh*. But, the bonus is, I'm nearing the finish line so to speak. Only 38 more days at work, then I can put my feet up and enjoy some R&R prep babe arriving.

Speaking on babe arriving, we've got our c-section date - August 12th. So unless the little munchkin decides to make an early appearance, that's supposed to be when she joins us in the outside world. Frustratingly, when I called my OB's office to confirm the date with them, they advised me that the hospitals are going through some big changes, and that they are closing a number of the operating rooms for the summer. So they couldn't actually book me in for a operating time.... huh? Instead, they've got special permission to allow me to be a "semi-scheduled patient" on one of the days that my OB is on call. I have to wait until the morning of the 12th, when apparently someone from the hospital will call and say "okay, your time for today is... ___" So, I'll not get the luxury of checking in the night before and being relaxed.... hmm... at least it will be a little closer to natural birth!

Speaking of natural birth vs. birth with intervention... another blogger I know recently posted on this subject ( I couldn't agree with her more. I've known that I have to have a medically planned c-section for a few months now. It was a shock to my system at first, since I hadn't really thought one way or the other about it at the time. But the reality is, for medical reasons, my doctors highly recommend I go the c-section route. And I'm not shy about telling people that's what I'm going to be doing, because, as far as I see it, I'm making an informed decision that is best for my and my child's well being.

The reactions I get when I mention it are really in 3 camps:
  1. The "I Hear Ya Sista!" group - This is my favorite camp, as they are the ones that quickly helped me to get over the stigma attached to having a c-section. They regale me with either their personal stories, or of people they know, that had c-sections for various reasons, and feel good about it. They also call to my natural "planning" instinct, quickly pointing out that I get the opportunity to know when munchkin is going to arrive and advise family and friends of that day, know my deadline for getting the nursery ready, etc.
  2. The "Oh So Sorry" group - This group is well intentioned enough, but go straight to offering pitty and advise on how to cope with having such a horrible thing ahead of me. Honestly folks, I'm okay with my decision, but stop trying to freak me out about how horrible it just might be.
  3. The "You Really Should Try Natural" group - Luckily I have not yet come across too many people that readily stand proud in this group, but there have been a few. They tend to argue that my doctors are ill advising me and that I should do everything in my power to convince them that natural is the way to go. They seem not to respect the amount of research and questions I've asked, let alone my doctors, and lay on the guilt pretty heavily. Really? As far as I'm concerned, I'm being a good mom by making the decisions I am, and by listening to the experts. Case closed.
Sure, I'm concerned about recovery time and the fact that its surgery, but I'm a tough cookie with lots of great support, so I'll be fine thank you very much.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Ups and Downs of 6 Months Preggers

Yesterday marked my first (pre) Mother's Day. Sort of a moment to stop and think "WOW, life is changing!!"

As I was hanging out with my favorite man of the gorgeous sunny day that Mother's Day turned out to be, I had some time to reflect on pregnancy so far.

The Pros
  • Needless to say, aunt flow being on vacation
  • Even better... stylish pull up pants... oh how much I'm learning the luxury of no zipper or buttons
  • Having a great reason to have a Botticelli body
  • Life changing... in a good way
  • Bonding moments with my man... like hanging on the couch feeling my little tummy alien squirm and kick
  • Shifting priorities

The Cons

  • Losing my ankles
  • Killer mood swings
  • Exhaustion
  • And discovering how hard simple movements become (like tying your shoes!)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Wow - 6 months already!

Wow.. all I can say is welcome to 6 months in utero little one!

I can't believe we're at the 6 month mark already, and so far so good. A few freak outs about slowed down movement, a few days familiarizing myself with cankles, and well... sure, I'll admit, a few major mood swings... and here we are!

Next up? A few doctor's appointments, including our first with our OB to talk about my pending c-section. It amazes me people's reactions when I say that I'm going to be having a c-section. I get everything from "oh, I'm sorry to hear that" to "why would you do that? natural is better" to "really? let me tell you about what happened to me..." Okay folks, here's the deal.. I'm having a c-section because it's what's safest for me and our babe, given (a) I have colitis, and (b) I have a low lying placenta. That's all I needed to hear in order to make the decision.

I've also got my baby shower coming up. Is it possible to have a sophisticated yet fun shower? Already I've heard the threats of having to wear a hat made of bows, and playing all those shower games, and I'm trying not to run and hide. My mantra is becoming "
Okay, breathe and accept its out of your control."

I'm also working on my registry lists. So far we're registered at...

I'm sure there are obvious things I'm missing from the lists, but hey... this is all new to us, so unless I read it somewhere, or someone tells us, we don't know.

"Okay, breathe and accept its out of your control."