baby steps

baby steps

Friday, May 13, 2011

Time flies

So, apparently my commitment to keep a photo a day has officially gone by the way side.  But that's not to say that I haven't been diligently taking lots and lots of photos!  My favorite model is now very mobile, which is making it way more challenging, and the weather has been keeping us in doors mostly.... but here are some catch up shots!

I've been taking another photography class through and am finding myself very pleasantly challenged by the class.  Here's a sample of what I'm managing to do in the class.

The original straight out of the camera:

The edit:

Straight out of the camera:

The edit:

So, now is my chance to finally put something out to the universe.  My goal is to start picking up some photography clients within the next 4 months.  Whew... okay, I've put it out there now.  So, watch out for more photos, and a transformation of me just blogging, to starting to put together a portfolio and a website...

Exciting times are on their way!


  1. Feel free to bring your camera over here and take some shots of the boys for your portfolio!

  2. Thanks Natasha, I'm going to be looking for some test clients very soon!

  3. Beautiful! Look how much she's turning into a "little girl" from a "baby girl." I find the same thing for Cameron as he turned 9 months. It pulls at your heartstrings in a special way, doesn't it?

    Thanks for the comment on my blog, I love finding other Moms, especially with babies so close in age to Cameron!
